Monday, January 21, 2008

On The Road

After a gargantuous brakfast of sausages, mushrooms in pine nuts, salad and cherry toms and home-made fresh bread and preservers, cereals and coffee which set us up nicely for the day!! We had a quick trip down the coast to Crowdy bay Point, a tiny little village on a prominent headland with a small fishing harbour, and a long sweeping panoramic beach seamingly disappearing towards looming mountain area surrounded by rain forest. Very few people on the beach yet sufficiently big breakers for a few surfers to go and try and "catch the wave"

Unfortunately the weather turned quite suddenly and the gathering storm clouds we went back to Mescals our beautiful b&b about 3pm and had a lazy chilled out day dozing in the spacious living room was rounded off by a delicious dinner washed down with a glass or two of Chardonnay.

Anyway off on the road again today so watch for the next post - and yes we are driving Linda thought we would hitch but the bags were too heavy!!!!


Linda said...

Ha Ha!!!So how long are you staying at Mescals? where to next? So you've got big black clouds too??!! I bet they're not as big as ours are or have as much rain in them. They're telling us we're having the warmest January for years but oh god the rain and the wind - yuk!!

Unknown said...

Great to be following you around in a better climate than ours, for the moment... one consolation, we have better wine!!! What a shock to find you are NOT back packing!!
Avril & GĂ©rard