Friday, January 25, 2008

Byron Bay

Thursday we travelled to Byron Bay on the coast rather by accident, as we intended to go elsewhere!! but ended up at Byron Bay, beautiful cove and beach, but very touristy, lots of aged hippies - we felt rather old as lots of v young people there, walking round barefooted - Jim S would be very comfortable there!!! Not!!!!!

Another day another State!!! we're now in Queensland in Bribane, arrived this morning our last step before 2 weeks on the sunshine Coast, we're looking forward to resting our laurels for a while - the time has changed as well, we've now moved on an hour - staying in another amazing place, old federal house on the outskirts of the City. Going to have an explore of Brisbane now which looks to be a beautiful city.

Thanks for all the emails we're glad you're reading our wafflings!!!

oh by the way its about 28degrees and sunny!!

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