Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Belligen & Dorrigo

Arrived in a very arty town called Belligen yesterday afternoon, visited the visitor centre and found a charming b&b where we are staying for 2 days. This morning we visited the Rain Forest in Dorrigo absolutely amazing had a couple of hours walk through the Forest, it was beautiful, loads of birds and wonderful trees - have a look on then find the link for Dorrigo - I would be here hours trying to tell you about it.

Off now for some more adventures - glad everyones enjoying our Blog, keep reading - I'm going to try and get some photos up here hopefully when we reach our house we're in for 2 weeks on the Sunshine Coast.


Linda said...

Still sound slike you're having a ball.
When do you leave for Queensland?

LL xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue & Chris

We're still hanging on your every word! Keep the info coming. It sounds like paradise.
lol Heather & Dave xx