Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hong Kong Still

Today its Thursday, our 2nd day in Hong Kong what an amazing place, we went to The Peak, which is the highest part of Hong Kong everyone else took the tram, if only we'd known! it nearly killed us!!amazing views of Hong Kong and the Bay. The shops are to die for, not a Primark in sight!!! Today we went to Lantau Island to a Buddist Monastry apparently the biggest Buddah in the World, we climbed to the top another exhausting day!! Have just eaten in the middle of a street market, amazing food and so cheap. Tomorrow evening Friday we fly off to Sydney, Hong Kongs been great, but too many people for us country folk.

The great news is tomorrow is spending day!! but don't tell Chris, I've ordered new specs, designer ones cost me 50pounds, and everything else is tax and duty free!

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