Monday, February 18, 2008

Magnetic Island

Some useful information first - Magnetic Island was discovered by Captain Cook in 1770, he called it Magnetic Island because it interferred with his ships compass hence the number of ship wrecks around the island.

We got the ferry over to Magnetic Island on Sunday - our accommodation was at Tropical Island Resort - sounds good - NOT!!! - we kept expecting Ant & Dec to rush out from the jungle shouting "I'm a celebrity get me out of here!!" The TI Resort looked very run down and neglected, restaurant had been closed for 3 years, pool was green and spa wasnt working - thanks Lonely Planets!! At least we didnt have to do a Bush-Trucker trial - just pizza down by the port!!

Had a bus ride out to Horseshoe beach, but again the weather and the aftermath of a tropical storrm had left its mark on the Resort. Apparently there are normally over 100 boats moored in the Bay, yesterday there was 1 with 2 washed up on the beach and nor looking particularly seaworthy!!!

So it wasnt the best of nights stay when we returned to the POW camp! as the rain rattled on the tin roof and we couldnt pick up Sky Sports - thankfully said Sue!!!

Monday today we had an early start, an early ferry back to Townsville and after breakfast on the road up the Bruce Highway to Mission Beach which is the Northern Tropics Wetlands where we found ourselves a very nice apartment for 2 days before our last stop!

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