Friday, February 8, 2008

Fraser Island

A 7.50 pickup outside Le Mer took us to the ferry over to Fraser Island - a World Heritage listed site - the largest sand island in the World.

The 1 hour ferry took us straight to the beach, and we transferred to a high wheelbase 4wd vehicle with an extremely knowledgeable driver/guide who took us to lakes, streams, beaches and rainforests over some very bumpy bone jarring trucks (note- only 4wd vehicles allowed on the island as there are no solid roads - only sand tracks - not good for those with travel sickness problems - we moved from back of bus to the front - a lot better)

the driver/guide was also the chef who cooked our very nice lunch of griddled whiting in garlic butter, sald and new potatoes, washed down with some very drinkable Chardonnay!

The tour/excursion/expedition (call it what you like!!) also included afternoon tea and fruit and cakes further round the island which rounded off an extremely enjoyable and education day.

The weather was glorious all day until we were nearly back in Hervey Bay where we saw a black cloud and there was a shower.

Today Friday we're back on the Road again next stop Agnes Waters.

Thanks for all the Mosquitoe bite tips, strange they dont go for Chris!!!

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