Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Back in France!!!

How strange our last post from Palm Cove didnt get published, so just published it!!! we left Cairns in pouring rain - experienced the 4th March twice on our return because of time changes so took 36 hours to get home, and the weather is beautiful, albeit cold. The garden is looking wonderful loads of bulbs out, and Dave the grass isnt too high!!!

We've had a fantastic time in Oz but both really glad to be home!!!

Perhaps our next Blog should be about our visitors during the Summer?

Monday, March 3, 2008

One More Sleep to Go!!!

AS they say all good things must come to an end, and the end of our Aussie adventure is tomorrow morning bright and early when we get the flight back to Paris.

We've had a good time at Palm Cove despite the weather being very wet, and done as much exploring as we could, but we are constantly being told this is the wet season and the best time to come is in the winter.

We're both now looking forward to getting back to France and getting on with our plans there, plenty of painting and gardening to do before our first guests arrive in April.

Thank you all for reading our Blog and all your comments - we've thought of continuing it but life in France is a lot less exciting than touring Oz.

Look out for our next adventure, not sure where yet but we've definitely got the bug!!